Jargons in Marketing Terms Glossary

A shortened term for advertising expenditure or how much a company spends on advertising.

An advertisement that has the appearance of a news article or editorial, in a print publication.

Ambient advertising
Advertising found in our surroundings. Examples would include ads printed on the back of cinema tickets, floor stickers in supermarkets and on supermarket trolleys.

Citizen journalism

When members of the public engage in journalism. Examples include providing pictures or film of events to news organisations or reporting events in blogs.

Guerrilla marketing
Unconventional marketing or stunt designed to attract maximum attention.

Gutter ad
Refers to press advertising in the area of the page closest to the spine of the publication.

A short ad to identify the programme’s sponsor at the beginning and end of a TV programme section.

Mouse roll over
Used in online ads. When the visitors cursor rolls over the ad an animation or sound effect is triggered to attract attention.

Printed advertising attached to the outside of printed publications, for example wrapped around the cover.

A free gift given away with a purchase as a promotional offer.

Proximity marketing
Located near shops, posters, at bus stops or other public places, proximity marketing uses BlueTooth technology to send tailored advertising messages to people’s mobile phones.

Skyscraper ad
An online ad that appears down the side of a web page.

Social marketing
Marketing and advertising that reaches potential consumers via social networking website, such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo. They appear at the edges of users’ profiles and can be targeted based on keywords in their profiles to match their stated interests or recent activities.

Splash page
A branded web page, usually highly animated, seen before accessing a website’s home page.

Ad aimed at generating curiosity and interest.

Viral marketing
A marketing strategy that encourages the audience to pass on the marketing material themselves. Examples include short films and clips sent by email.

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