Introducing Medical Advertising Hall of Fame gallery

To preserve the history of healthcare advertising by honoring those whose contributions made a positive difference to the intellectual growth and prosperity of the healthcare communications industry. In recalling their accomplishments, the milestones in the industry's development are recorded, providing understanding of the processes that have shaped current practices. This understanding will contribute to a more knowledgeable healthcare advertising profession-one that, through its awareness of the best ethical and business practices of the past, functions more productively in the present. To engender knowledge of, and pride in, the value of the medical advertising profession in communicating information on products and procedures to healthcare professionals. To attract new talent to the medical advertising profession by providing students in leading educational institutions with a comprehensive description of the role the profession serves and the career opportunities that exist within the industry.

Our method of preservation is to draw upon the knowledge of individuals in the industry today to nominate for election to the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame leaders from the past whom they have known and worked with.

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